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/ Amiga Tools 4 / Amiga Tools 4.iso / tools / netzwerk / tcp-ip / amiftp / catalogs / newcatalog.ct (.txt)
Amiga Catalog Translation file  |  1996-02-26  |  4.9 KB  |  276 lines

  1. ## version 
  2. ## language 
  3. ## codeset 0
  4. ; Catalog descriptor file for AmiFTP 
  5. ; Copyright (C) 1995 by Magnus Lilja, All Rights Reserved.
  6. ; e-mail: lilja@lysator.liu.se
  7. ; Some notes for translators:
  8. ; In order to create a hotkey to activate a gadget insert
  9. ; a _ in the string before the character that should be
  10. ; the hotkey. ('Te_st' would result in 's' being the hotkey
  11. ; for that particular gadget).
  12. ; Note that menu shortcuts are defined differently:
  13. ; A correct menu entry for 'Quit' with Amiga-Q as the
  14. ; shortcut should look like this:
  15. ; Q\000Quit
  16. ; SiteList window
  17. SLW_SiteListWindow
  18. ;AmiFTP Sitelist
  19. SLW_SiteList
  20. ;FTP Sites
  21. SLW_Connect
  22. ;_Connect
  23. SLW_New
  24. ;_New
  25. SLW_Edit
  26. ;_Edit
  27. SLW_Remove
  28. ;_Remove
  29. SLW_Cancel
  30. ;C_ancel
  31. SLW_OK
  32. SLW_Up
  33. SLW_Down
  34. ;Down
  35. SLW_Top
  36. SLW_Bottom
  37. ;Bottom
  38. SLW_Newstring
  39. ;(New)
  40. ; SiteConfiguration Window
  41. SCW_SiteConfigurationWindow
  42. ;AmiFTP Site Configuration
  43. SCW_Name
  44. ;Na_me
  45. SCW_Site
  46. ;_Site
  47. SCW_Port
  48. ;_Port
  49. SCW_RemDir
  50. ;_Auto-cd to directory
  51. SCW_LocDir
  52. ;_Download path
  53. SCW_Anonymous
  54. ;A_nonymous login?
  55. SCW_LoginName
  56. ;_Login name
  57. SCW_Password
  58. ;Pass_word
  59. SCW_OK
  60. SCW_Cancel
  61. ;Ca_ncel
  62. SCW_OS
  63. ;Operating S_ystem
  64. SCW_Proxy
  65. ;Pro_xy
  66. SCW_HotList
  67. ;_HotList
  68. ; Transfer window
  69. TW_WinTitle
  70. ;AmiFTP Transfer window
  71. TW_RemoteFile
  72. ;Remote file
  73. TW_LocalFile
  74. ;Local file
  75. TW_Size
  76. ;Size
  77. TW_Cps
  78. TW_DataTransferred
  79. ;Data transferred
  80. TW_Abort
  81. ;Abort transfer
  82. TW_FileExists
  83. ;File '%s' already exists.\nOld filesize is: %ld bytes (new %ld bytes).\n
  84. TW_Overwrite
  85. ;Overwrite
  86. TW_Resume
  87. ;Resume transfer
  88. TW_CancelTransfer
  89. ;Cancel transfer
  90. TW_DownloadDir
  91. ;You are about to download a directory tree.\nAre you sure you want to do this?
  92. TW_GetDir
  93. ;Yes, download it!|Skip this entry
  94. ; Main preferences window
  95. MPW_WinTitle
  96. ;AmiFTP Global Preferences
  97. MPW_Password
  98. ;_Anonymous password
  99. MPW_ViewCommand
  100. ;_View command
  101. MPW_ShowDots
  102. ;Show _dot-files?
  103. MPW_ProxyHost
  104. ;Proxy _host
  105. MPW_ProxyPort
  106. ;Proxy _port
  107. MPW_ProxyDefault
  108. ;Use pro_xy per default?
  109. MPW_DefDownloadDir
  110. ;Default download directory
  111. MPW_IgnoreCase
  112. ;_Ignore case?
  113. ; Main window
  114. MW_SiteName
  115. ;Current _site:
  116. MW_DirName
  117. ;D_irectory
  118. MW_DownloadDir
  119. ;D_ownload path
  120. MW_Parent
  121. ;_Parent
  122. MW_Get
  123. ;_Get
  124. MW_Put
  125. ;P_ut
  126. MW_View
  127. ;_View
  128. MW_Connect
  129. ;_Connect to...
  130. MW_Disconnect
  131. ;_Disconnect
  132. MW_DeleteRequest
  133. ;Are you sure you want to\ndelete these files?
  134. MW_DeleteCancel
  135. ;Delete|Cancel
  136. ; Connect window
  137. CW_WinTitle
  138. ;AmiFTP Connect window
  139. CW_Abort
  140. ;Abort
  141. CW_Site
  142. ;Site:
  143. CW_Status
  144. ;Status:
  145. CW_Connecting
  146. ;Connecting...
  147. CW_ReadingDir
  148. ;Reading directory...
  149. ; Main menus
  150. MENU_Project
  151. ;Project
  152. MENU_Reconnect
  153. ;Reconnect
  154. MENU_Iconify
  155. ;I\000Iconify
  156. MENU_About
  157. ;?\000About
  158. MENU_Quit
  159. ;Q\000Quit
  160. MENU_Files
  161. ;Files
  162. MENU_TagAll
  163. ;A\000Tag all
  164. MENU_UntagAll
  165. ;U\000Untag all
  166. MENU_TransferMode
  167. ;Transfer mode
  168. MENU_Binary
  169. ;Binary
  171. ;ASCII
  172. MENU_ClearCache
  173. ;Clear dir-cache
  174. MENU_Delete
  175. ;D\000Delete
  176. MENU_Move
  177. ;M\000Move
  178. MENU_Sort
  179. ;Sort
  180. MENU_SortbyName
  181. ;by name
  182. MENU_SortbyDate
  183. ;by date
  184. MENU_Settings
  185. ;Settings
  186. MENU_Global
  187. ;1\000Global...
  188. MENU_Hostlist
  189. ;2\000Hostlist...
  190. MENU_LoadSettings
  191. ;Load settings...
  192. MENU_SaveSettings
  193. ;Save settings
  194. MENU_SaveSettingsAs
  195. ;Save settings as...
  196. MENU_HotList
  197. ;Hotlist
  198. ; Other strings
  199. Str_ErrorReadingDir
  200. ;Error reading dir\n
  201. Str_CannotDLDirs
  202. ;Cannot download entire directories!\n
  203. Str_SelectDLPath
  204. ;Select download path
  205. Str_SelectULFiles
  206. ;Select file(s) to upload
  207. Str_CDFailedTimedout
  208. ;Remote CD failed:\nConnection timed out
  209. Str_CDFailed
  210. ;Remote CD failed.
  211. Str_AmiFTPError
  212. ;AmiFTP error
  213. Str_OK
  214. Str_CANCEL
  215. ;Cancel
  216. Str_PasswordRequest
  217. ;AmiFTP Password request
  218. Str_PasswordEntry
  219. ;Enter password for user:\n%s
  220. Str_ServiceNotAvail
  221. ;Service not available.
  222. Str_ConnectFailed
  223. ;Connect failed.
  224. Str_ConnectLoginFailed
  225. ;Connect failed, login unknown.
  226. Str_Putfailed
  227. ;Put of %s failed
  228. Str_RemoteWriteFailed
  229. ;Write failed (remote file system full?).
  230. Str_GetFailed
  231. ;Get %s failed.
  232. Str_LocalfileError
  233. ;Error opening %s.
  234. Str_LocalWriteFailed
  235. ;Write failed: %s
  236. Str_NoSuchDir
  237. ;%s: No such file or directory.
  238. Str_DisconnectedTimeout
  239. ;Disconnected (timeout).
  240. Str_Outofmem
  241. ;Out of memory
  242. Str_SelectSettingsFile
  243. ;Select settings file...
  244. Str_NoRestart
  245. ;Resume command failed.
  246. Str_ConnectionTimedOut
  247. ;Connection timed out
  248. Str_AmiFTPRequest
  249. ;AmiFTP Request
  250. Str_AboutAmiFTP
  251. ;About AmiFTP...
  252. Str_UnknownHost
  253. ;Unknown host
  254. Str_ErrorBuildingDirList
  255. ;Error building filelist.
  256. Str_Translator
  257. MENU_AddToSiteList
  258. ;Add current to sitelist
  259. MENU_LogWindow
  260. ;Log window?
  261. ; This string will show up in the about window telling the user who made 
  262. ; the translation. I suggest the string should look like this:
  263. ; 'English translation by\nMagnus Lilja\n' (and perhaps your emailaddress
  264. ; too). Ofcourse the above string should be in the same language as
  265. ; the rest of the translation.
  266. MW_Reload
  267. ;_Reload
  268. SLW_Sort
  269. ;_Sort
  270. CW_SendingLogin
  271. ;Sending login...
  272. CW_SendingPassword
  273. ;Sending password...
  274. CW_ChangingDirectory
  275. ;Changing directory...